May 1, 2013

"So, You Hear About Hosea? Pretty Crazy, Right?"

Recently I've been reading in Hosea. Now, Hosea is a book in the latter half of the old testament that is jumbled up along with the other prophets. Now, the prophets aren't exactly the book of psalms. They're pretty intense and take a little bit of time to read. But, let me tell you, it is so worth it.
While reading in Hosea I've found some pretty insane stuff.

First off, in the beginning of the book, God tells Hosea to marry a prostitute. Now, if God told me to do something like that I would be questioning if that was really God or not. But, Hosea steps out in faith and obeys God. So, they get married and have three kids. And, God tells Hosea what to name each kid. So, Hosea names his kids, Jezreel, Lo-Ruhamah, and Lo-Amm. The first name is a shout out to Israel and the house of Jehu saying that bad stuff is coming their way. (How would you like your name to be a warning sign?) The second kid's name means "Not Loved" or "No Mercy." (That'd be a great name!) Then finally, the last child's name translates as "Not My People." 

Yup, so God has Hosea marry a prostitute and give his kids all depressing names. Just wait, it gets better. 
Later in the book, Gomer (Hosea's prostitute wife), goes again and leaves her husband and kids and enters into the life of prostitution again. That alone is pretty crazy, because Hosea had done nothing but love her and bless her, but she still ran away. (Hmmm... reminds me of someone.[Oh, right: us]) 

So, there is Gomer up on a stage where she will be sold to the highest bidder. And, God says to Hosea, "Buy her back." You have to see this here, Gomer was already Hosea's, but God told Hosea to buy her back. Gomer was already his!!! But, nonetheless, Hosea goes and buys back his wife for the full price as she stands up on the stage in her shame. He takes her from the very place that she had run away from him to. And, he loves her even in her adultery.

All I can say is, "Wow!" That is a testimony of God's grace and love. And, really, that is what God has done and does for us every time we fall. That is love. That is God's love.

But, you say, "Jadon, you forgot about the kids." Oh, but I didn't. You see God had something to say about them as well: "And I will have mercy on 'No Mercy', and I will say to 'Not My People', ‘You are my people’; and he shall say, ‘You are my God.'" ~Hosea 2:23

That is amazing! Open up Hosea and read it sometime, it will blow your silly little mind. 
If you want to hear an amazing sermon about Hosea and Gomer, I encourage you to listen to Judah Smith's sermon "God Loves the World.":

God's love and grace is absolutely crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome sermon Jadon! It shed new light on the book for me. Thanks.
