Where is God? How can I live? I can't see God, so is He real?
I've felt this way before, just like the rest of you. We all at some time come to a piont of doubt and despair. There comes a point for all of us that we just can't tkae it anymore. We feel cheated or mocked. Thinking we give so much to this great unknown God and we still can't see Him.
We question our faith on the "deal breaker" that we can't see Him. And in our society, if you can't see it you don't believe in it.
I, like the most of you have felt this and some time. But It gives a realization, if you'll accept it that maybe it's not God fault, maybe it's ours.
What if the reason we can't see God has nothing to do with God "withholding" something from us. What if the reason is because we are sinful and have fallen short of the glory of God. What if it's because we would die if we saw Him. Or there is the fact that God is Light and in Him is no darkness; and it's because of us, who are darkness, that the two cannot join as of now.
But I'm not here to shame you into believing that it's all your fault and there's nothing you can do about it, no there is hope. Because we aren't complete without God. And God doesn't want to just leave us there. He wants to be with/in us. But it's up to us to accept His outstretched hand. Yes, we've sinned and thus cannot join with God because we are darkness. But that's what Jesus is for: to set us free so He can live in us. Jesus sets us free.
But this is all a choice, as to wither you accept and ask for what is given.
It's a choice.
And when it comes to seeing God. On earth we can't. It is possible to see Jesus or angels, but not God. It says so firmly in God's Word.
But we can see God through other things. We can see Him through His Son. We can see Him through what He does. We can see Him through the Word.
And we can HIm know through talking to Him, reading His Word, and worshiping Him in spirit and truth.
Your not alone. God is with you, wither you accept it or not. His love is there for you even when your for God. His love is ALWAYS there for you, no matter what. God loves you and there is nothing you or anyone else can do to change that.
Don't fight God and give in to the world and the Devil.
Give in to God, fight the world, and fight the Devil.
God will never give up on you, Don't give up on Him.
God is with you! If God is for you than none can stand against you.
God sees you! God knows you! And God loves you.
Don't give up.
Look to God and choose life!
By the Grace of God
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