March 6, 2012


Where do you set the bar?
What is the standard you hold yourself to?

Recently I've been thinking about this. People so often hold them selves to a low standard.
They set the bar so low that failure is expected. Especially for teenagers.
Teens are expected to be juvenile, rude, and reckless.
I personally don't believe adolescence. People look at it as a time to mess around, screw up, and be allowed to do so.
What's that all about?

Not only are youths expected to live up to a low standard, but adults as well. Excellence has been thrown out the window and laziness has replaced it. And I know this is a generalization, but the truth is, as a generation, we're slacking.

On a personal level. I don't hold myself to any standard that I've made. My standard is Christ.
Jesus was perfect. That means my standard, my bar, is perfection.
Now I never said we could reach that bar. But I said that perfection should be our goal and bar.
We can never be perfect as Jesus was because He never sinned. Before we come out of the womb we've sinned because of our human nature.
But we can go and sin no more. We can take the gift of freedom from sin and strive to reach the goal of perfection in Christ.

Hold yourself to a higher standard. Make Jesus your standard. Make your goal perfection.
Make Jesus the expectation.

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