February 27, 2012

More Recently

Hello Everyone,
It's been a while since I've posted. Sorry about that. I'm going to try to stick to a weekly schedule now.
Each week's post will be on Tuesdays, so you can be looking for that.
Now for the actual post:

Recently in my life I've been facing, like the rest of you, the challenge of sin. And we all have one sin that always creeps up on us over and over again. For me it's time management. And I know you all saying, but that's not a sin!" Well actually for me it is. I have the problem of spending time in things that are useless instead of investing my time in the things of the Lord. So in that, in choosing to live and spend my time selfishly, I'm sinning.

And more than just being a challenge, it's a battle. I have to continually be making the choice to give my time to God instead of myself. And something I realized recently really brought some light to my situation. When I gave my life to Christ, I gave Him MY LIFE! That means everything. But that not something you just do once. You have to continually be giving yourself to God. But back to the revaluation. I realize that because I'm a Christian, my life is not my own. So if I'm spending it to self indulge, I'm misusing someone's property. God's property.

And that's that. My life's not my own.

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