August 2, 2013

Emmanuel (God With Us)

Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Jesus coming to earth and being willingly rejected by God, His Father due to our sin that He took upon Himself and disposed of on the Cross, was so that we could be with God and He with us. 

It's a love story, people! 
Boy meets girl, boy can't be with girl because of this or that, but by the end of the movie or book, we see that he makes a way.
God made a way! 
It's Jesus, the only way, the only truth, and the only life! 

Stop looking for Jesus under spiritual rocks!
You can't find Jesus in a wrist band!
You can't find Jesus in a special shirt! 

Because, He has found you.
Stop searching, you're found!
All it takes is saying, "Yes."
He chose you. He made a way for you.
He sent His only Son to save you.
He did the work, He paid the price, He sacrificed. 
You don't do the work.
You can't find God! Only He can reveal Himself to you. 
And He has through the Cross! 

Why do people say, "If I could just go to this place, or if I could just see a miracle, or just hear this person say this thing and then I'd be good, then I'll have what I'm searching for in God." 

Since when has God conformed to our measure of thinking?
God does not work on our time table or level of comprehension. 
You don't need a special situation to be with Him!

You know why? Because He's right with you!
He's in you! If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as your personal Savor and King, then He is dwelling inside you through the Holy Spirit. 

Though going to Church is amazing, you don't need to go to church to be with Jesus!
You don't need anything but Him. 
People all across the world in "third world countries" worship Jesus just fine with out a sound system, a guitar, or even a Bible. 

Please don't hear me wrong, God reveals Himself through His Word, and through corporate worship, and through countless other things, but those are not the only way to worship Jesus.

Because Jesus is in you.
And you don't need anything else except Him to be able to worship Him and live in His glorious presence. 

People! Stop "soaking" in His presence and start living in it!
Stop letting it just wash over you without letting if effect you! 
Waiting upon the Lord is fantastic and is crucial to our relationship with Christ, but people, 
Faith Without Works Is Dead!

Brothers, Sisters, fellow believers and human-beings, it is time to stop being so dependent on other humans to get to God. That is not how it was designed to be. 
We were not made for a second hand relationship with God.
It's time to start meeting with God face to face, one on one, you and God, nothing and no one else.

It's time to start encountering Emmanuel for yourself.