August 12, 2013


It is, for the most part, always been thought that we, the thinking, knowing, feeling humankind are, ourselves, the concrete fact.
The reality, if you will.
And, the "spiritual" things, such as God, angels, Heaven, and Hell have all been thought of as the mysterious and translucent.
Something to ponder, but not tangibly feel.

Though, what if that perspective is jaded?
Is there a possibility that our perception of things is misconceived?
Have we inadvertently switched the proper place of what is ghost and what is not?

C.S. Lewis in his famed book, "The Great Divorce," expresses that men are like ghosts. Shades in comparison to the true reality of God and all that is His. He articulates that we, humanity, are without Christ, simply phantoms.

The band, Gungor, named their album, "Ghosts Upon the Earth" in an effort to exclaim that we do not compare to the raw reality of God.
We are but ghosts.

Until Christ comes.
Because, in Lewis' novel, people who had accepted the truth and reality of Christ in their heart began to harden and become real.

So, in the same manner, we are only phantoms, aimlessly wandering the earth unless we let the Lord bring us into a hardened reality, through His Son.

That reality is Christ Jesus.
The Gospel and the Word.
Do not continue as a ghost.
Step into reality.


  1. Thank you for that clarification. It makes me much more appreciative of the album name. I'd never really tried to figure it out. Good stuff bro.

  2. That's what the song 4:12 by Switchfoot is about, too. I love Jon Foreman's expression of it. Awesome post! You've certainly grown as an author :)

  3. I've been reading your posts, recent and past, for over an hour. It's been a blessing, and a source of healing. I am grateful to God for this.
